Humanity’s Thundering Brainstorms
Turned Blundering Brain Farts

Ever since Adam snacked on the forbidden fruit and was chased naked out of the Garden of Eden, mankind has bitten off a bevy of bad ideas: From skinny-dipping Presidents to toxic tooth fillings to singing pop stars who can’t carry a tune, “100 of the Worst Ideas in History” is a celebration of humanity’s historical and often hysterical missteps that have started wars, sunk countries, wrecked companies, scuttled careers, lost millions and even endangered the Earth.

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Humanity’s Thundering Brainstorms Turned Blundering Brain Farts

Ever since Adam snacked on the forbidden fruit and was chased naked out of the Garden of Eden, mankind has bitten off a bevy of bad ideas: From skinny-dipping Presidents to toxic tooth fillings to singing pop stars who can’t carry a tune, “100 of the Worst Ideas in History” is a celebration of humanity’s historical and often hysterical missteps that have started wars, sunk countries, wrecked companies, scuttled careers, lost millions and even endangered the Earth.

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Mankind’s Memorable Foibles,
Faux Pas and F-ups

Mankind’s Memorable Foibles, Faux Pas and F-ups

As you read or listen, you’ll discover:

How a confused chauffeur helped start World War I
Who turned down the greatest product placement opportunity in Hollywood history
The toad that nearly ate Australia
The hit singing group that can’t really sing
The tasty new snack food that gives your backside “sneaky leakage”
The skinny-dipping U.S. President
The most dangerous children’s game ever invented
The game that helped hasten the demise of disco
And so much more (of so much less)

– How a confused chauffeur helped start World War I

– Who turned down the greatest product placement opportunity in Hollywood history

– The toad that nearly ate Australia

– The hit singing group that can’t really sing

– The tasty new snack food that gives your backside “sneaky leakage”

– The skinny-dipping U.S. President

– The most dangerous children’s game ever invented

– The game that helped hasten the demise of disco

– And so much more (of so much less)

mind-blogging 100 stories
mind-bending 10 chapters
mind-blowing 6 sidebars

As you’re being boggled, bent or blown (so to speak), keep in mind that “100 of the Worst Ideas in History” spotlights stupendously stinkin’ thinkin’ that has leapt from the short-circuiting synapses of some of the world’s brightest (and dimmest) brains — and how these ideas continue to resonate in daily life today.

As you’re being boggled, bent or blown (so to speak), keep in mind that “100 of the Worst Ideas in History” spotlights stupendously stinkin’ thinkin’ that has leapt from the short-circuiting synapses of some of the world’s brightest (and dimmest) brains — and how these ideas continue to resonate in daily life today.

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Now Here’s a Good Idea

Now Here’s a Good Idea

now heres a good ides

For every book or audiobook you buy, one will be made available to an American high school or college. That way, bad ideas can do good!